A shout out from Brisbane

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A shout out from Brisbane

Postby Liam MN 4x4 on Wed May 20, 2020 5:02 am

Hi there everyone,

first time post here, so please let me give you a little insight about myself and most importantly, my car.

I'm Liam, 42 years of age but would rather have a cheeky comical mind of a teenager!
I'm well trained in many ways both personal and professional from a diversified career path, one that's held the most effective and efficient approach to doing things in high regard.
But this doesn't mean I can't be innocently naive at times, as I'm sure others are aswell (I think this is reason for wanting to interact here in the first place)
Finding and joining this site has been extremely rewarding and helped me understand a hell of alot more than I did before so, I've been reading forums non stop for the last 2 weeks, and I just want to thank everyone that has contributed their knowledge for the good of others, it's people like you that make others feel welcome and genuinely good about themselves, so Thankyou!

About 5 years ago I bought and my first diesel car, I have an MN Triton 2011, manual dual cab Ute 4x4, and fell in love with it,.... Unfortunately when you fall in love, you'll eventually get disappointed, let down and genuinely wondering why you can't afford things for some reason.
Recent education has provided that understanding of this love and shown it's true nature....
With a superiority complex demanding its needs come first, it's obsessed with trying to unburden the stress's that apparently come with having any earnings to begin with I suppose!

Sick of reliability issues and short life span of petrol cars, I invested in my first diesel engine with the notion of reliability, and longevity being more attractive totally unaware of the impending problems now coming to light.

But instead of trying to sell it due to major expenses related, I've decided I'm going to invest in it rather than try to sell only to most likely repeat the same dramas.
I think that personally investigating, diagnosing, repairing and replacing the expensive and vital components and knowing the reliability and life span of these, outweighs that of trying to sell it and potentially investing in the same drama all over again. Besides, I love just about everything the triton has to offer, from its ample room and smooth driving, to it personally suiting my own ocd requirements, time and money
Fixing, replacing, and doing my own personal modifications to it that I'm proud of also.

Having recently moved from the Sunshine Coast to Brisbane in search of better and more valued employment, I unfortunately aggravated and heavily damaged a previous injury by doing all the moving myself, this lead to unemployment which I've been for a year now (recurring tendon issues restricts my previous career)
Lack of colleague interaction and not knowing anyone here hasn't helped much with numerous things, like simply finding a reliable mechanic, where to get the best deals, even having a mate closer to be able to just do.... Blokey things and hangout etc.

I have had the time however, to do some serious research and forum reading regarding triton. Synchroniser ring issues (requiring a gearbox refurb/overhaul - downshifting issue from 4th to third) a stupid suspension decision (which I'm about to have rekitted this Thursday) and many many more issues here and there I have found which I shall eventually get to where finance permits.

Without furthering this novel size intro, I'll finish up and throw a query out there seeing what may eventuate.

I would really love to see if anyone could offer a few pointers with what I should be taking care of/looking at replacing, or being aware of anything that may be an issue regarding engine side of things.
I'm what you call jack of all trades, king of some, so the basic to intermediate stuff im capable of (oil change etc) but I'm yet to ever have cracked open a crankcase or even own a torque wrench (which I'll most likely soon invest in)

Well, I'm glad I found the most useful site for my car and hope to meet and possibly make a friend or two and look forward to interaction in threads.

Cheers for having me
- Liam -
"I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent it"
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Liam MN 4x4
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue May 19, 2020 9:49 pm
Location: Keperra, Brisbane


Re: A shout out from Brisbane

Postby NowForThe5th on Wed May 20, 2020 7:46 am


Verbose version:
Welcome, Liam.

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Re: A shout out from Brisbane

Postby Duck on Thu May 21, 2020 11:12 am

What an intro !
I will leave mechanical advice to those with a greater understanding.
In Nth Brissy I use Aspley Automotive & have done for 14 years, Sandra and Darryl will look after you.
As far as doing some wheeling send me a message when restrictions are lifted and we can do a Bribie run if you like.
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Re: A shout out from Brisbane

Postby Liam MN 4x4 on Thu May 21, 2020 1:09 pm

G'day Duck
Cheers for that info matey, I shall endeavour to see Aspley auto when I have enough coin to get some work done (or at least enough to have them do a general check of the running gear under the hood)

And Thankyou for the future offer!
We'll just have to see how long these restrictions last.
(although pitifully I must admit, I've never done any serious 4x4 driving ever, and the triton has yet to see sand!)
"I find out what the world needs. Then I go ahead and try to invent it"
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Liam MN 4x4
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Joined: Tue May 19, 2020 9:49 pm
Location: Keperra, Brisbane

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