by DibbyDibbyDJ on Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:41 am
Contact a dealer, ask them if you have any outstanding recalls. If so book it in.
If not, book it in anyway, tell them your symptoms. They will do a stress test on the engine. If it fails the test then they would look to escalating it to MMAL, but would need your authority to strip the head off. If the block was OK, this would be at your cost. This recall or repair is for one particular failure, not for general head gasket failure.
If the conditions are met for the fault, then dealer would contact MMAL with engine numbers (ensuring it is the original engine that car was supplied with) test results and pictures, and ask for a claim under the recall.
If the dealer is any good, they wont get rejected. They have to make sure all the paperwork is spot on.
Then MMAL will respond with a reply, and depending on results, and part availability, either a short block, or block and head, or long engine will be supplied.
2024 Outlander