Cooling System Service Campaign

Engines, Gearboxes, Transfers, Tailshafts, Diffs, axles and CVs

Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby littleJohnny on Tue Jan 26, 2021 2:35 pm

DibbyDibbyDJ wrote:Give us some details about your ute....

Full flush when changed the radiator, (weekend before last) the water jacket area behind the pump and thermostat spotless, like new!
Don’t think it’s running rich, still plenty of power and little smoke. Fuel consumption is good.

Do you think I should’ve removed the shroud?
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Benno01 on Mon Feb 22, 2021 3:25 pm

G'day all,

A week ago my MN14 MY15 engine light came on and the temp started rise above the normal. Took it my mechanic to check it out. The engine light was a "low end sensor" but had no other signs of overheating.

Fast forward a week, car started to overheat again. Pulled the car to the side and checked it out. I could here bubbling from both the radiator and overflow bottle. I dropped the car off to my local dealership today hoping to get some answers. They advised me that they can't look at the car until (possibly) the start of next week.

Hoping its a quick fix (not holding my breath).

What did everyone report to there dealership (if it differs from the above?

Car details:
MN14 MY15
No issues until now.

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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Mon Feb 22, 2021 4:58 pm

Hopefully there will be an overheat code in the ECU.

Im not sure about now but in January engines were taking a month to arrive due to short supply caused by COVID.

Hope its quicker for you now
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Benno01 on Tue Apr 06, 2021 10:11 am

Benno01 wrote:G'day all,

A week ago my MN14 MY15 engine light came on and the temp started rise above the normal. Took it my mechanic to check it out. The engine light was a "low end sensor" but had no other signs of overheating.

Fast forward a week, car started to overheat again. Pulled the car to the side and checked it out. I could here bubbling from both the radiator and overflow bottle. I dropped the car off to my local dealership today hoping to get some answers. They advised me that they can't look at the car until (possibly) the start of next week.

Hoping its a quick fix (not holding my breath).

What did everyone report to there dealership (if it differs from the above?

Car details:
MN14 MY15
No issues until now.


G'day all,

Update: MMAL have accepted a long motor replacement and I have received the car back. Total down time 6 weeks however, hire vehicle (2021 Triton 20000km's, might need to speak to the finance department to buy a new car) was handed over for 4 weeks of the above timeframe.

I hope everyone has the same luck I have had with this issue.

PM me if you need assistance or want to know any further details.

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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby scumbag on Thu Apr 29, 2021 2:00 pm

Experiencing something similar too what has been described by others , car started over heating last nov towing a car trailer.
Its since had a new themostat, radiator and 3 different caps
Still over heats on the freeway, towing our small caravan last about 1.5hr- 2hrs untill it starts getting hot.
Over flow bottle is always bubbling away once shut off
Car has 210 000km only started playing up at 200 000 ish
Had a new cylinder head fitted at 110 000km due to cam shaft cap failure.
Over heated last night doing 100km on a flat freeway 10c outside not working hard at all problem seems to be getting worse
Car is a 2009 glxr... any ideas
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby ddddbbbb on Thu May 13, 2021 1:15 pm

Hi All.

Mitsubishi approved a new engine via the dealer last week. 99,000km, typical scenario on the highway a couple of months ago, check engine light and overheated. Never knew it was an issue, but read through everything here and was well prepared when I took it in.

Hoping someone can assist me with the below question:

Dealer has advised there are no long motors in the country and has advised they are ordering a short block and new head, and assembling themselves. From what I have read, Mitsubishi have finally addressed the issue and the new motors have a different part no. for the head assembly. Does anyone know the new number/how I can be sure I am not getting a new head that may have the same issue?

Appreciate all the previous input here. Very helpful
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Thu May 13, 2021 5:20 pm

Its not the head that is the issue, its the block that is the problem, and the short motors are fine, just the long ones that were faulty
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby scumbag on Wed May 26, 2021 11:12 am

ddddbbbb wrote:Hi All.

Mitsubishi approved a new engine via the dealer last week. 99,000km, typical scenario on the highway a couple of months ago, check engine light and overheated. Never knew it was an issue, but read through everything here and was well prepared when I took it in.

Hoping someone can assist me with the below question:

Dealer has advised there are no long motors in the country and has advised they are ordering a short block and new head, and assembling themselves. From what I have read, Mitsubishi have finally addressed the issue and the new motors have a different part no. for the head assembly. Does anyone know the new number/how I can be sure I am not getting a new head that may have the same issue?

Appreciate all the previous input here. Very helpful

how did you get it approved? what dealer did you go to?

im basically looking at mine atm as a total lose, its worth nothing with issue and im looking at thousands to have it repaired, short motor is 5k plus fitting...
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby ddddbbbb on Sun May 30, 2021 9:24 am

I won't mention the specific dealer for the moment. I had various issues with them and was without the ute for at least a month. They did not seem to follow the procedure I have read about here, they insisted on pulling the head off before talking to Mitsubishi Australia, which is not necessary once the stress test fails I thought.

They confirmed the head is pitted and the block warped, once they sent the goodwill claim it was approved almost instantly. Not sure what they are saying to you, but I wouldn't take no for an answer, see another dealer or talk to MMAL directly if necessary.

I have had it back a couple of days and it is dropping oil everywhere, there is also some flexible conduit across the front of the engine flapping around without the mounts bolted in that hit the radiator fan. I have taped it down and will be back there to discuss ASAP.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Sun May 30, 2021 9:41 am

If the vehicle has had a long engine changed before under the Recall campaign, then there is no need to pull the head off.

However if it had a short motor before or has not had a engine changed, then they need the owner to authorise the stripping of the engine to confirm the fault and submit photgraphs of the block and head to MMAL for them to then authorise replacement.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby ddddbbbb on Sun May 30, 2021 10:01 am

Cheers, that is what they did. There was no previous engine replacement, I am original owner.

They were really vague about issue and process, and very difficult to get technical answers from.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby scumbag on Tue Jun 01, 2021 9:03 pm

how does this process work? who do i speak too, i dont have a mitsubishi dealer iv never had stuff all to do with them and the one i did doesnt exist anymore.
iv never had anything mentioned about a recall campaign i only know about it from reading on here.
how are they responsible for my vechical? i dont under stand.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:41 am

Contact a dealer, ask them if you have any outstanding recalls. If so book it in.

If not, book it in anyway, tell them your symptoms. They will do a stress test on the engine. If it fails the test then they would look to escalating it to MMAL, but would need your authority to strip the head off. If the block was OK, this would be at your cost. This recall or repair is for one particular failure, not for general head gasket failure.

If the conditions are met for the fault, then dealer would contact MMAL with engine numbers (ensuring it is the original engine that car was supplied with) test results and pictures, and ask for a claim under the recall.

If the dealer is any good, they wont get rejected. They have to make sure all the paperwork is spot on.

Then MMAL will respond with a reply, and depending on results, and part availability, either a short block, or block and head, or long engine will be supplied.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Tony81 on Sun Oct 17, 2021 3:50 pm

jdtopping wrote:Original owner 2010 MN Triton, 169000kms. Starting losing coolant recently, took it to Mitsubishi. It passed the "stress test" however needs a new head gasket, radiator and water pump as they are all leaking coolant. Quote almost sent me into cardiac arrest. I'm not convinced that the cooling system campaign isn't in some way responsible. Super happy it's 6 months and 9000kms out of warranty. Will write to MMAL customer service and plead my case.

This just started happening in mine as well similar km’s. Got it booked in for a stress test tomorrow, hopefully it will be covered but being out of warranty I am kinda worried…
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Tony81 on Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:08 pm

Tony81 wrote:
jdtopping wrote:Original owner 2010 MN Triton, 169000kms. Starting losing coolant recently, took it to Mitsubishi. It passed the "stress test" however needs a new head gasket, radiator and water pump as they are all leaking coolant. Quote almost sent me into cardiac arrest. I'm not convinced that the cooling system campaign isn't in some way responsible. Super happy it's 6 months and 9000kms out of warranty. Will write to MMAL customer service and plead my case.

This just started happening in mine as well similar km’s. Got it booked in for a stress test tomorrow, hopefully it will be covered but being out of warranty I am kinda worried…

Went in for a pressure test and stress test last week and got the pressure test done. Lost a small amount of pressure over the time of the test. They forgot to do the stress test… :oops: :oops: oh well got it booked in for that today and it failed the test… :shock:
The paperwork is being submitted to MMA to have a long motor replacement, just have to wait and see what they say as it could also be a short motor but the dealer service said he will be pushing for a long motor.
All under the goodwill warranty. 8-) 8-) This is why we buy Mitsubishi.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby bigjobs on Wed Oct 27, 2021 6:58 am

Whilst it's great that Mitsubishi are continuing to look after Customers affected by this issue, let's be clear that they are not doing so out of "goodwill".

All they are doing is offering a free repair for a faulty product, as per their legal obligations under the ACL.
Warranty has nothing to do with it, the issue is a manufacturing fault, so they are required to fix the problem by law.

Not having a go, just facts.

I've put 100k over 5 years on my replacement motor, it still drops a tiny bit of coolant though but the temps are stable, unlike before.
Overall, I'm a satisfied Customer.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Fishtank on Thu Nov 11, 2021 11:36 am

I might be the next lucky bugger. 2012 GLX 180k on the clock. It started overheating and the engine light came on from a 10 km drive (unloaded) and even reversing into the driveway. Looked under the hood and the coolant is bubbling and across the engine bay.

Dropped it into the local dealer who has advised that before performing the stress test, the radiator (and thermostat) needs replacing before as it is blocked and has a bit of rust - not sure if this is also a sign caused by the faulty cooling system issue?

Now waiting to hear back on the stress test.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Tony81 on Sat Nov 13, 2021 3:14 pm

Fishtank wrote:I might be the next lucky bugger. 2012 GLX 180k on the clock. It started overheating and the engine light came on from a 10 km drive (unloaded) and even reversing into the driveway. Looked under the hood and the coolant is bubbling and across the engine bay.

Dropped it into the local dealer who has advised that before performing the stress test, the radiator (and thermostat) needs replacing before as it is blocked and has a bit of rust - not sure if this is also a sign caused by the faulty cooling system issue?

Now waiting to hear back on the stress test.

Question? How do they know that it is blocked and has a bit of rust? I never got told I needed that before the stress test, didn’t get it and I now have a new donk under the bonnet. Just make sure the service department isn’t trying to make you spend more for something you might not actually need.

On another note I got me new engine this week, dropped it off Monday picked it up Wednesday.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Sssboi on Mon Jan 31, 2022 8:42 pm

Hi all,

Purchased a 2015 Triton MN 2 months ago and I've just stumbled upon this thread. My Triton has done 55000kms and is running fine and also has full service history and logbooks stamped. I have a few questions regarding the service campaign,

Is my Triton at risk of these issues?
Is there anything I can do as a preventative measure?
Any other advice for someone who's just found out about this issue?
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Tue Feb 01, 2022 5:26 am

Assuming yours is a 4wd version?

1. Check your engine number, Not in the paperwork but on the engine. If it starts 4D56CZX then you will be ok.

As your vehicle is 2015 it will likely NOT be part of the service campaign, as they all SHOULD have been fixed in production by then (LOL), however that does not mean it will not develop a fault, and it does not mean MMAL will ignore any responsibility. It just means if a fault does occur they will want to fully strip down the engine and inspect it.

if a fault does occur, dont go to an independent repairer that will just delay the process, and if they start replacing things or stripping it down MMAL will be absolved of any liability.

2. Nothing can be done to prevent failure. If it is gonna go it will go.

3. Just enjoy your triton, dont overthink it. Not all of them have this problem.
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Sssboi on Tue Feb 01, 2022 8:38 pm

DibbyDibbyDJ wrote:1. Check your engine number, Not in the paperwork but on the engine. If it starts 4D56CZX then you will be ok.

It starts with 4D56U unfortunately
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby NowForThe5th on Tue Feb 01, 2022 9:55 pm

Sssboi wrote:Hi all,

Purchased a 2015 Triton MN 2 months ago and I've just stumbled upon this thread. My Triton has done 55000kms and is running fine and also has full service history and logbooks stamped. I have a few questions regarding the service campaign,

Is my Triton at risk of these issues?

If you're experiencing overheating, the symptoms of which are detailed in various places in this forum, then take it to your local dealer and get them to test.

Is there anything I can do as a preventative measure?

Note the response from DibbyDibbyDJ, who is a Mitsubishi service tech.
TLDR? : No.

Any other advice for someone who's just found out about this issue?

See above.

If work is so terrific, why do they have to pay us to do it?
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Wed Feb 02, 2022 5:05 am

Sssboi wrote:
DibbyDibbyDJ wrote:1. Check your engine number, Not in the paperwork but on the engine. If it starts 4D56CZX then you will be ok.

It starts with 4D56U unfortunately

Sorry my typo... it what comes after the U

So 4D56U "CZX"
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby Sssboi on Wed Feb 02, 2022 9:24 pm

It's a little hard to tell and I may go have another look this weekend but from what I can tell it says CFU1178 (possibly)
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Re: Cooling System Service Campaign

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Thu Feb 03, 2022 9:25 am

Yeah thats an old, non modified engine.
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