If your engine code currently is 4D56UCDX#### then it is a good engine. If it is CDY or CDZ or has any other combination of letters before the final 4 digits it is suspect for failure.
stretch08 wrote:I have just taken it in now just waiting to hear back from them.
DibbyDibbyDJ wrote:That is one of the downsides of the short motor and head replacement. But even if you had a long motor, the tensioner would not be renewed unless you paid for it.
Every motor we replace under warranty gets a list of all the parts that SHOULD be replaced at the same time, and if customer rejects this, then that exonerates us from any failures post replacement.
Investing a couple of grand in your vehicle, when you are getting a 15000 engine for free in makes sense, but it can be a tough sell for some.
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