Are wheels interchangeable between Gen4 and Gen5 Triton

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Are wheels interchangeable between Gen4 and Gen5 Triton

Postby raiderman on Sat Jan 23, 2021 12:32 pm

will MR rims fit MN. have the 16 inch factory alloys and want to go to 17 inch. Or i have found 265/60/18 off latest model and will they fit or cause issues ?
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby L200Shogun on Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:08 pm

yes they will fit they are 30.5"
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby raiderman on Tue Jan 26, 2021 3:54 pm

ok thanks, i am trying to increase tyre and wheel size and is putting 18,s on the best way ?? any suggestions please help
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby L200Shogun on Tue Jan 26, 2021 8:04 pm

16 and 17 are better priced tyres and easier to get in some places in Australia
Many say 265/75/16 and 265/70/17 fit others say they scrub They are common sized tyres so easy to get
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby raiderman on Sat Jan 30, 2021 5:22 pm

Hi all just picked up some 2656517 factory black alloys off an MQ triton to put on my MN. Should i change my spare as it is a 2457016 or could i get away with it ?????
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:16 pm

raiderman wrote:Hi all just picked up some 2656517 factory black alloys off an MQ triton to put on my MN. Should i change my spare as it is a 2457016 or could i get away with it ?????

Most certainly get a matching spare. The size difference is about 27mm in diameter, so would possibly cause drivetrain issues.

Mitsubishi are having some issues with their superselect transfer boxes jamming up, with incompatible tyre sizes being one of the concerns
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby RHKTriton on Sun Jan 31, 2021 8:26 am

I would imagine the viscous coupling in the centre diff wouldn't be happy on long runs with mismatched wheel diameters, on super select, when in AWD mode.
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby NowForThe5th on Sun Jan 31, 2021 11:11 am

Dibby, are you talking about situations where the spare, being a different, smaller size is used and resulting in wind up, or are you talking about situations where all the tyres are much larger, say 33", resulting in loads beyond design limits being put on the transfer case?

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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Sun Jan 31, 2021 1:36 pm

NowForThe5th wrote:Dibby, are you talking about situations where the spare, being a different, smaller size is used and resulting in wind up, or are you talking about situations where all the tyres are much larger, say 33", resulting in loads beyond design limits being put on the transfer case?

Both really. I recently had a MQ with superselect that snapped a front driveshaft. We suspected the train was wound up, or had been wound up, but unable to recreate. New shaft was fitted, but still had an issue with not engaging 4wd. Found selector mech had seized internally. Stripped apart transfer case, and found damage on centre diff drive teeth. I was unable to determine what had caused damage so had to fight to get new transfer case under warranty, even though vehicle was only 2 years old. No external factors had changed i.e. drivetrain and tyre/wheels were all standard.

But i was told they are investigating issues of selection problems with vehicles that have different brands on front and rear, with one axle having new tyres and other having worn pair.
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Re: MR rims fit MN ?

Postby NowForThe5th on Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:31 pm

Both cases of wind up, really.

The second one has been around for a long time. With tyres having treads that are around 14mm deep, the difference in diameter between worn and new can be up to 25mm. That's nearly 80mm difference in circumference meaning that you have one end wanting to travel up to 80mm further than the other end with every rotation of the wheel. Pretty significant and why I always thought that you should only ever change tyres on any 4WD in sets of 4 or 5.

What I was asking about was more a case of damage or wear due to big tyres and no compensating change in diff ratios. I'm not a fan of big tyres, even if I think they look great, simply because every time I've had bigger tyres the vehicle just hasn't felt "happy". That extra load has to manifest itself somewhere.....

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Postby Cruza on Mon May 30, 2022 9:37 pm

I’ve tried googling and searching through the forum here but I can’t seem to figure out the answer to my question. I’m wondering if 17 inch rims from the MN GLXR will fit on an early ML triton. From what I can gather they will fit as far as the stud pattern etc, but I’ve also read of possible hitting on the brake calipers? Could anyone help me out?
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Re: Are wheels interchangeable between Gen4 and Gen5 Triton

Postby NowForThe5th on Tue May 31, 2022 5:41 am

The question has been asked and answered many times, but there are limitations with the forum search engine, the biggest being that it ignores words of 3 letters or less. So, if you used your title as the search question all it would look for would be "GLXR" and "rims", giving a ridiculous number of hits.

A better search solution, when you have 2 or 3 letter words, is Google. Enter your search parameters and then limit Google's search to Google Advanced Search makes this easier. Set it as your 'home' search page rather than the stupid address bar search.

Fortunately we have the Forum Directory and looking in there, under "wheels", leads us to the Wheel Offset Bible post by 4wd26.

Triton ML
GLX- steel or alloy 16x6.0 ET46
VR- Alloy 16x7.0 ET38
GLX-r alloy16x7.0 ET38
GLX-r alloy (MY2009- after april 2008) 17x7.0 ET38

Triton MN
GL-r Alloy 17x7.0 ET38
GLX-r Alloy 17x7.5 ET38

So, the answer to your question is: "Yes, they will fit"

To keep things tidy, I've merged these threads and added a link in the Forum Directory.

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