Random tyre questions

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Re: Random tyre questions

Postby Probz on Mon Oct 14, 2019 8:07 am

Anyone running either a 245/75r17 or 285/60r18 im looking at going to either of these as they both just scrape in under the 7% increase in nsw? Im leaning towards the 18 due to tyre width or do you guys think this would be to heavy compared to the 245/75r17. Only thing im worried about is the lower sidewall height on the 18"

Also looking at running hilux 18x7.5" alloys with an et30 offset, would this be enough for the height increase or just go steelies so i can get the optimum set up?

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Re: Random tyre questions

Postby NowForThe5th on Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:15 pm

You really need to look at your usage. If mainly highway/on road then the smaller overall diameter will give you better performance and economy while the higher aspect tyres will not perform or give you the handling/grip that the lower aspect ratio tyres will. If you do a lot of sand work then the 75 series tyres will give you a much longer footprint, which is, of course, is better.....but remember the on road handling trade off.

Also consider that the 18s will be much more expensive and harder to replace if you damage one out in the sticks.

What model do you have? Are your wheels wide enough to take the 285s?

Most people go for 265s which, depending on tyre brand, generally come in slightly over, but not enough that should be a problem - it's not like you're trying to fit 35s that scream out to every copper that they're too big.

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Re: Random tyre questions

Postby Probz on Mon Oct 14, 2019 3:03 pm

Thanks for the well thought out response Its a mn with a 2"lift so plenty of clearance. Cars mainly used for very short trips to work and rest of the time is spent in the watagans or other national parks so fuel consumption not a huge issue but still would like a decent range.

The 245/75r17 was my first choice but surprisingly its not very well supported in terms of mud tyres where as the 285/60r18 is because it seems to be a common 200series cruiser tyre therefore its not too badly priced and i thought the extra width would be a plus in the mud.

Just mainly keen to see if it would stand up too decent 4wd use or whether the low profiles asking for damaged rims or sidewalls and also whether they bag out well for offroad use.

I agree fully on running the 265/75r16 as its really my preferred choice just engineers in newcastle seem to fob off tyre increases as they are mainly interested in full builds of street cars and also it limits me to only running this size and not being able to chuck stock sizes back on if i do want to do a highway run. Plus ive already had one questionable car go through insurance dont really want to re-live that haha

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Re: Random tyre questions

Postby srb on Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:15 pm

If you're playing on some of the harder tracks in the Watagans then you'd be nuts to go the low profile 18s.. if it's just the easy forest trails then you'll be fine.

I used to run 285/65r17 ATs as my road going tyres for a while but didn't like the harsh ride and heavier steering, even when comparing to my 265/75r16 MTs play tyres. I ended up selling the 285s and just use my 265s 100% of the time.

Like NFT5th said, 265s are so close to the legal size increase, + or - 3mm depending on tyre brands from memory. I don't know of anyone that has actually been knocked back on insurance due to running this size.

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Re: Random tyre questions

Postby Probz on Mon Oct 14, 2019 6:52 pm

That's kinda what i was thinking in regards to being nuts running the lower profile considering i do tend to hit the harder tracks. To be honest ill prob just go the 265/75r16s as i think they are the perfect balance whereas the 17s are too skinny and the 18s too risky.

Was just hoping i could keep it all above board but doesn't seem like its worth it

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Need more footprint

Postby Danjack on Fri Oct 01, 2021 7:57 pm

Hi all,
New to this site just a question currently running 265/75r16 toyo on my 2018 mq first mitsubishi I've ever owned we've had our ups and downs that's for sure always owned Toyota's being from a remote area it was all that was practical,worked as a fitter in a 4wd shop for a few years plenty of know how etc... but any ideas on a wider tyre than a 265 really don't want to gear it up anymore than it is as it's manual.ok slap me down now I'm ready
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Re: Random tyre questions

Postby NowForThe5th on Sat Oct 02, 2021 8:13 am

Agree on the gearing, 265/75 will already be affecting performance.

Have a look through the Forum Directory for members experiences with 275 and 285 in 16".

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