Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby CharlieH11 on Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:15 pm


I’ve just bought a 2011 GLR turbo diesel dual cab auto with 134000km on the clock. Have read a lot of different opinions in regards to EGR blocks, catch cans ect. I was wondering if anyone could give me the best alternative preventative method? Or if there actually is a need to do anything at all.
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby explorer.dave on Thu Jul 18, 2019 10:55 pm

You could try reading through the thread, that will give you all the answers.
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby Longranger1 on Fri Jul 19, 2019 11:31 am

A 2K Ohm resistor in series with the thermistor in the airbox is the simplest solution. A single pair cable connected each side of the resistor can be connected to a hidden switch in the cab to reinstate the egr valve if required.
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby veight on Mon Aug 26, 2019 1:22 pm

Can anyone provide a picture of the upper and lower manifold ?
I have a upper manifold and have cleaned it , can i get a picture of the lower manifold to send to a wrecker ? showing it on the engine ? / pulled part if possible.
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby Ausgamer on Mon Jun 29, 2020 12:16 pm

Hey all,
I'm trying to get my inlet manifold off my mn 2.5. I have removed all the bolts but still can't get this manifold off. I gave it a little tap with a rubber mallet but the little bugger is refusing to go.
Is there anything I am missing or is there any DIY guides available apart from the l200 Russian site(which is what I have been using) and the 4x4earth site.
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby Longranger1 on Mon Jun 29, 2020 2:14 pm

Check for a missed bolt (or 2).
The voices in my head may not be real, but they do have some damned good ideas.

If it's feral, it's in peril.

MN turbo lag? What lag??

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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Mon Jun 29, 2020 3:24 pm

What about the 2 nuts right at the back?

6 long bolts (+ 1 that stays in manifold)
2 medium ones from nearer bulkhead
3 shorter ones from between intakes
1 short bolt going horizontally under manifold, just under front of inlet
2 10mm head size going from pipes to manifold
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby Ausgamer on Sun Jul 12, 2020 10:20 pm

Got it guys! Thanks for your help. It was so bad!
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby viking shippy on Tue Jul 14, 2020 7:45 pm

NowForThe5th wrote:This has been discussed before but, again, two things:

    1. Funny how he makes the assertion that the temperature sensor controls, or is used in other engine management functions but doesn't, or can't actually say what these are.
    2. Towards the end the real purpose of the video becomes apparent. That is to sell his ECU tuning service.

The reality is that changing that signal is, at least on the MN and ML, the best and safest way to achieve prevention of the EGR from operating and thereby clogging the inlet manifold.

For the MQ the situation is quite different. The signal from that sensor is used in other engine management functions which is why there hasn't yet been a simple solution developed that works.
so do you recomend i dont use the elextonic block on a MR ? 5th

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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby NowForThe5th on Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:36 am

No, but be aware that it may have 'side effects'.

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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby viking shippy on Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:01 pm

NowForThe5th wrote:No, but be aware that it may have 'side effects'.
do you care to elaborate?

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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby DibbyDibbyDJ on Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:55 pm

Engines not stopping straight away.
Running lean due to info to ECU being adjusted by device
Exhaust gas temperature increasing.
poor fuel ecomomy

The MQ and MR are a entirely different generation of DPF and EGR compared to ML and MN. The system has improved greatly, with little or no soot clogging up the manifolds.

A catch can is always a good idea though
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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby viking shippy on Sat Jul 18, 2020 4:10 pm

thanks fellas

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Re: Carbon build - up its everyone’s problem.

Postby illuminateddan on Sun Feb 07, 2021 3:11 pm

Thanks for the how-to!! I'm a first-time triton owner of a 2006 ML and this walkthrough was awesome for my first tinker. Although it wasn't *that* gunked, it now runs beautifully, especially with an oil and filter change to clear out any gunk getting into the engine. Engine runs at 100+ RP<M less in idle now.

Thanks again, I'll be watching this forum from now on! :D :D
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