Malfunctions after 30,000km service

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Malfunctions after 30,000km service

Postby joshua.alexander on Wed Jan 18, 2012 5:30 pm

Well, i got my triton after its 30k km service, there were a few things i was concerned about, 1 of them was the car over heating, going back to them, the only answer i got was, 'keep an eye on it'.
Guess what happened after 5000kms

i took it to phil gilbert in lidcombe and they diagnosed a really unclean air filter fualty thermostat, malfunctioning boost thingo and malfunctioning software.
The airfilter was probably my fualt from fraser but i would assuming that during the service they would of checked it.

My question is, did bathurst do there job right, or got $600 from me for a quick fix, i dont know, either way, warranty is covering me for everything exept a new air filter. They are even updating the software in it.

Just my input on how warranty looked after me for this :)
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Re: Malfunctions after 30,000km service

Postby SecondEye on Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:56 pm

Your lucky on that one. boost thingo is probably map sensor common to get gunked up same with manifolds top and bottom. odd about the malfunctioning software. The filter shouldnt be dirty though and normally a SQL learn and ecu update is done on each service. If you do a search for 30k service you should find on this forum what is normally done, it may also be in your warranty service book.
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Re: Malfunctions after 30,000km service

Postby joshua.alexander on Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:02 pm

Thanks for that, i dare say it will be done tomorow . i think bathurst mitsi got me like a dodgy car dealer on parramatta road
$75 for an airfilter though, must have gold on it, or a mitsubishi logo XD.
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Re: Malfunctions after 30,000km service

Postby daryn on Wed Jan 18, 2012 8:17 pm

The nominated "everything" 30,000km service thread is here

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