I first planned on getting an ML though after a few months of looking a Silver MN came up and after a bit of negotiation with the seller I grabbed a bargain.

It was stock as a rock with the exception of a tub liner, soft cover and a Prodigy P2 brake controller. The previous owner had a smallish Jayco van so he had the e-brake fitted. I grabbed it after work on a Friday night went home and loaded the dirt scooter on the back for a weekend riding the Big Desert park. Nothing like getting straight into it !!!

The car ran great though there were a few things that caught my attention.
10.2l/100 loaded up towing the bikes for a weekend away riding.
AUX jack in the center console to connect the ipod
super smooth auto
Interior space
quiet on the road
The seats, no support
Hi Beams, my tourch is brighter
Rear overhang and the super low factory tow bar, ML tub anybody ???
Steering is quite heavy
Suspension is a little suss, excess body roll