AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

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AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Sun Aug 04, 2013 8:43 pm

G'day all. Finally decided to stop lurking and start a build. I've had Land Rovers, Range Rovers, FSJ's.... even a Land Cruiser :oops: but this is my first Triton. Long story short, my Missus and step-daughter emigrated from China back in 2007, we settled in rural Victoria rather than Melbourne (born and bred) to have a quieter lifestyle. I've been busting my butt to make sure we have everything we needed, (and given up a lot of my previous lifestyle) so the Better Half decided to reward me for being such a good boy and we paid cash for a new 2013 GLX twincab Plus pak in boring white.
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Personally, I hate Mitsubishi vehicles with a passion, but this was the best deal for the money and a worthwhile investment, so I swallowed my pride and gave the nod :lol: Its just had its 1500 *checkover*? They had it half an hour, it never left the ground and that was it. I'm glad I didn't have to pay for it, as all they did was an ECU update or a SQL. All I know is that it's different now, less noise cold in the morning, stalls easier, power delivery is different( better if you ask me ) and the cruise control now sucks (was perfect before). If it doesn't get better before the 15,000 :? service, I"ll have some whinging to do to the service manager.
So, now starts the mods. I'm building a tray at work for it, steel frame with aluminium floor, etc. I'll take pictures as I go along. EGR plate, electrical and a few other things to start with.
More to follow.... Cheers. :D
Last edited by AussieTriton on Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:47 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby NowForThe5th on Sun Aug 04, 2013 10:07 pm

Welcome mate.

Did your wife tell you that they're not called Mitsubishi in China? Three Diamonds - seems Mitsubishi doesn't quite roll off the tongue over there. Anyway, you have the best of both worlds now so just enjoy ;)

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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Mon Aug 05, 2013 6:11 am

NowForThe5th wrote:Welcome mate.

Did your wife tell you that they're not called Mitsubishi in China? Three Diamonds - seems Mitsubishi doesn't quite roll off the tongue over there. Anyway, you have the best of both worlds now so just enjoy ;)

Thanks :D Yes, I knew that. I've been over to China extensively and travelled a lot through the Gobi Basin and Takala Makan desert, along Marco Polo's Silk Road (the real one).
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby mattz on Sat Aug 10, 2013 3:29 pm

Welcome Aussie triton.
No wonder the Chinese call them triple diamond.......I struggle with saying Mitsubishi. Especially after a few drinks :roll: it would be even harder with a Chinese accent. :lol: :lol:

Make sure you post pics of the tray build. 8-)

Enjoy the forum.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby Dunga71 on Sat Aug 10, 2013 6:42 pm

Nothing boring about white mate,welcome to the forum
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Mon Sep 09, 2013 9:41 pm

3600 k's in and the rear dampers are f****d already :shock: . They squeak and the back wallows all over the place with a bit of weight in it. I go regularly to our 90 acres and cut firewood for home, and even half full, it's un-nerving to drive on a bumpy road. I dis-connected the dampers and rocked the back hard, the squeaking is gone and the swaying isnt much worse than when they are working (if you call it that.) Now I have to decide will I get them replaced under warranty (and have them fail again before the first service AGAIN, or pony up for some better ones and fix the problem permanently. Decisions, decisions...... :roll:
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby alpine triton on Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:56 pm

Bite the bullet and put an Ultimate suspension kit in, that way you won't have to worry about it ever again ;)
Especially if you're loading it up with firewood etc.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Tue Sep 10, 2013 7:08 pm

alpine triton wrote:Bite the bullet and put an Ultimate suspension kit in, that way you won't have to worry about it ever again ;)
Especially if you're loading it up with firewood etc.

If I do, I'll only replace the dampers front and rear. It rides fine with a load of firewood, no overly great amount of sag, but it wallows on bumps, clearly indicating the factory dampers are not up to the task. Not interested in any lift, just better dampening, it's high enough for me. If I want to do serious offroading, I'll get the F truck finished and use that (3.5" of lift, 17" of front wheel travel on TTB with Fox 2.5 coilovers, 3.0 3 tube bypasses and 2.0 x 4"' hydro bumps and 18" of rear wheel travel with 9", Deaver springs and 18" Fox 3.0 3 tube bypasses.) :D A desert racer can rock crawl, but a rock crawler cant desert race :P
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby alpine triton on Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:17 am

Not very well anyway :D
I knew a bloke once who turned a 79 series Toyota into a half rock crawler, half winch challenge, half hardcore toruer and it ended up being not that good at any of them.
Replacing the dampers would be a cost effective option, especially if the triton is a later MN with the upgraded front springs.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Wed Sep 11, 2013 6:22 am

Thats what happens when you use a toyota for a project. Building for multiple uses usually ends up being good at none :D Mine has the upgraded front springs, so a damper upgrade seemslike the best option.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby hvac guy on Wed Sep 11, 2013 8:30 am

do the rear springs as well Aussie it will be heaps better.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby biggibbo on Wed Sep 11, 2013 9:10 am

What he said, the stock rear springs are lucky to get 20,000 before they start to become useless and end up flat
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Thu Sep 12, 2013 9:52 pm

biggibbo wrote:What he said, the stock rear springs are lucky to get 20,000 before they start to become useless and end up flat

The stock springs are fine, they need better dampers to stop the leaves getting overworked. The biggest killer of any leaf spring is insufficient damping, loaded or unloaded.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Tue Oct 22, 2013 6:53 pm

Fitted the snorkel kit last weekend. I bought this kit from Ebay, from Julelife. Its a good kit, even has a replacement coolant bottle that mounts in the existing position, and uses 2 self tappers to hold it in place. I didn't go overboard on the mastic sealer, either, so the installation looks almost factory. Currently building a tray at work in my spare time, and saving up for a bullbar. :mrgreen:
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby shaggy on Tue Oct 22, 2013 7:06 pm

Pics of snorkel and replacement bottle installed please ,I've been looking at these on eBay myself.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:02 pm

I now have a stupidmotors account, I'll take some photos tomorrow arvo of the bottle and post them up. This is the seller you want. julelife4x4
Snorkel fitted:
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby Juggz on Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:31 pm

That's my install, bought from the same guy
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:52 pm

I used a step-drill to do the holes in the guard. Piss-easy to make one or more holes bigger real quick. :D I took my sweet time, so I wouldn't break anything and it came out pretty good.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby Juggz on Wed Oct 23, 2013 6:06 am

A grinder does the same job :lol:

Good to see some piccies up :D
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby oldplodder on Wed Oct 23, 2013 7:01 am

Welcome to the forum.
My 2012 is starting to run in.
Took a few thousand K (about 5000), to feel like it was running in.
Once I got to 25,000, different engine.

4th gear good around town down to 50 now, was a pain under 60 when new.
3rd goes down to 20km/hr now. Wife just leaves it in 3rd for tracks and slower running.
She drops it onto low range for creek crossings and uses 1st, who is in a rush.

Welcome to another white triton.
Wife calls it tradie white, but a lot easier to see on the road, and easier to clean.
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:36 pm

oldplodder wrote:Welcome to the forum.
My 2012 is starting to run in.
Took a few thousand K (about 5000), to feel like it was running in.
Once I got to 25,000, different engine.

4th gear good around town down to 50 now, was a pain under 60 when new.
3rd goes down to 20km/hr now. Wife just leaves it in 3rd for tracks and slower running.
She drops it onto low range for creek crossings and uses 1st, who is in a rush.

Welcome to another white triton.
Wife calls it tradie white, but a lot easier to see on the road, and easier to clean.

Thanks. :D I wanted a black one, but no way was I going to get a GLX in black, as the other colours besides white were all pre-sold. Thinking about doing a camo wrap, just to be different :P
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Wed Oct 23, 2013 5:40 pm

shaggy wrote:Pics of snorkel and replacement bottle installed please ,I've been looking at these on eBay myself.

Coolant bottle pic as requested:
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Plenty of room around the rubber transfer tube now:
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And the extension hose and connector, I just extended the factory one, just in case I decided to go back to standard (fat chance):
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby AussieTriton on Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:17 pm

11,000 km in and its doing ok so far. I must admit I'm disappointed with the fuel economy on the highway, although I have a few more things to try. Around town, driving normally, I'm getting around 850 km to 70 litres, but on the highway at a steady 105 on CC, I'm only getting barely 780 from the same fill. Admittedly, it's pretty hilly going down to Melb but its only got 3 passengers and no load in the back, but the lack of a tarp and the bloody coal scoop factory mudflaps it has arent helping any. I will trim the front flaps down and remove the rears to see if it helps, but until the tray is on, I cant do much about the tailgate, unless I leave it down. Next time, I'll run without CC, as I've heard the common rail engines arent as efficient as driving foot alone. We will see. Its going under the carport for a few weeks, to save the fuel cost and to start fitting the tray up. I'll post some pics once that gets underway.
Cheers. :D
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby snakesoup on Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:02 pm

mate those fuel figures are fantastic and considerably better than a lot of others are getting....;-)
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Re: AussieTriton's........MN Triton?

Postby har05l on Tue Feb 11, 2014 11:47 pm

Barely 780 km's and your disappointed :? , you can't be serious :roll:

How's barely 500 km's sound :roll:

I'd bet most on here would give an arm for those figures :roll:
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