A nice week away hunting ferals.

The trip totalled 1141 km and I used 97 litres of fuel. The return trip I was heavier due to a half tub full of firewood on top of the gear I took away, less the 20L in the water container. The Triton performed flawlessly, although it is a bit cramped up front when the electric dog wires and other gear get in the way. It was hard for 2 days, spotting and shooting by myself, but much more productive once my mate showed up for a few days. Between his .222 Martini and my Lee Enfield, we ended up with an impressive tally for the 5 days. I atomised several hares, rabbits and a fox with the .303, and dropped 3 goats with 3 shots in about 8 seconds before the others realised that hanging around was bad for their health and took off into the scrub. Man i love the smooth fast reloading of the old LE, it beats a lot of other bolt guns for speed and the 10 round mag means less reloading and the Bushnell XLT Trophy 6 - 18 x 50 on 8x was fantastic in day and low light shooting. The 50mm objective lens gives a great field of view and the bold duplex reticle was easy to see and very precise. A lap of the properties we were patroling was 28 km, so I clocked up some serious mileage doing 3 laps a day there (one early morning, one at dusk and one around 9:30pm). Lots of off camber loose gravel along the fence lines through the tree belts, grassy wet paddocks and deep gullys, most I did in 2WD, although at night with the dew, I used 4WD just to make sure. Its a pity the Mitsubishi diesel is so noisy outside the car, it really was scaring away a lot of game once they recognised the rattle coming their way. If it was quieter at low engine speeds, I'm sure we would have had more close in shots, rather than waiting for the game to stop at distance (200+ m away). My mate was ok up to 250m but I was limited to 200m max, because the LE was sighted for 100m and I had to guess the hold-over on uphill shots and adjust that on downhill shots. Of 37 rounds fired, I only missed 6, so I'm not doing too bad.
I'm going to start my round of mods now that it's virgin trip is done, I have a short list of things I need to do to make it more friendly for hunting/camping trips IE: tray, cargo boxes, towbar, power outlets, both cig lighter type and Anderson plugs for front, rear and tray. I'll try to post up some pictures as I go along and update my thread.