TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

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TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:15 am

Thought I'd dedicate a thread to the gradual build up of my 2013 MN GLX. It was purchased second hand with no mods on it. Previous owner drove it stock with the exception of a tub liner.
I'm not mechanically-minded at all but this thread will document both the personal attempts I make at installing or modifying aspects of the vehicle as well as any other mods that I can't or won't do.

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Triton in Renmark, SA soon after purchase.

First mod I attempted was a snorkel. Purchased one off eBay, branded CaneToad. Quality was fine and all the pieces were there. I don't think they are any different to any of the other cheaper eBay snorkels. I was content with purchasing a cheaper snorkel, obviously with lower expectations.
I based my install off the 'Service My Ride' YouTube video and the Ironman snorkel installation instructions which are identical.

The only comment I have to make about the installation is that I will (at this point in time) never be doing another snorkel again. When I said i was not mechanically apt, I meant it. I started at ~1:30pm and finished up after midnight with a 20 minute dinner break.
The main issue I had with this was trying to get the snorkel to conform to the body of the car correctly (see picture). Not sure why it didn't work but I had to file a lot of holes and fiddle about before I was satisfied. The front end of the snorkel didn't sit flush and when it did, the back end didn't sit flush. It ended up pulling in a fair bit after tightening the bolts but even then I didn't do it up completely for fear of snapping the plastic.

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This ended up being a lot less obvious once the bolt was tightened behind it.

Here are some more pictures of the incredibly arduous process.
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My biggest concern is that the rust proof paint I put around the holes wasn't enough. Really not wanting to undo everything and repaint but I might have to. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Like I said, never again.
The engine starts, but haven't driven it yet.

Big thanks to the forum member who lent me the hole saws. Cut through the metal like butter.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby 98kellrs on Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:00 pm

I'm about to do something similar soon, the only suggestion I would have re: not conforming is to heat the plastic up before you tighten the bolts fully. I would also consider using a black silicone around the edge of any gaps to ensure that dirt doesn't get trapped between the snorkel and the fender and then start wearing away at the paintwork underneath.

Your holes look nice and clean though, and that's a big battle in itself sometimes! :lol:
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Sat Sep 16, 2017 2:34 pm

98kellrs wrote:I'm about to do something similar soon, the only suggestion I would have re: not conforming is to heat the plastic up before you tighten the bolts fully. I would also consider using a black silicone around the edge of any gaps to ensure that dirt doesn't get trapped between the snorkel and the fender and then start wearing away at the paintwork underneath.

Your holes look nice and clean though, and that's a big battle in itself sometimes! :lol:

Cheers mate.
Yeah I'm about to do the ridiculous and undo it and repaint and then fill any gaps with sikaflex and then reseal. It'll be worth the extra peace of mind. As for not confirming, I think I'll leave it as it is.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby Daniels glr on Sat Sep 23, 2017 8:12 pm

TheSheepKed wrote:Big thanks to the forum member who lent me the hole saws. Cut through the metal like butter.

No problems mate

Getting to some of the bolts is a pain, ratchet spanners come in very handy if you’ve got a set
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:43 pm

Daniels glr wrote:
TheSheepKed wrote:Big thanks to the forum member who lent me the hole saws. Cut through the metal like butter.

No problems mate

Getting to some of the bolts is a pain, ratchet spanners come in very handy if you’ve got a set

Yep found out the hard way. I had to undo everything to repaint the holes because I was paranoid. Borrowed my neighbours open-ended spanners which had a much longer handle and it made the job 100% easier even if some of the bolts were still difficult.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Sun Oct 01, 2017 1:40 pm

Attached a steel tool box to the tub. Just need some semi-secure storage for some basic things like ropes, towels, spare clothes, hand tools etc. Nothing worth too much in there.
Bolted down to the tub liner rather than the tub itself. Still incredibly secure and doesn't move an inch.
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See for details on construction
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Thu Nov 30, 2017 8:51 am

It has taken me one week to finally complete this installation but it's done. I'm currently on a break and had nowhere to drive so I took my time with this one as I wanted it to be done properly. As I've said before, I know very little about cars but if I can install it, then I'm sure anyone can. Just need some time, good planning and when fitting the bullbar, 2 additional helpers to lift whilst someone tightens is really useful.
I'd just like to thank the forum members who gave me help/photos when I needed them as well as Trevor from MCC Epping who responded to every single one of my questions (via e-mail). If you're in Melbourne, check these guys out because as far as I'm concerned, the customer service is great. Couldn't have done it without those emails.

Anyway, here are pictures. I didn't get photos of the wiring but the wire colours listed on the instructions were accurate. Just a matter of tapping into them, intertwining the copper wires and soldering and taping. Encased them all the wires in 7mm electrical tubing.

Just for those looking to install MCC bullbar in the future, the sump guard DOES NOT fit on properly as one of the U-bolts (on each side) prevent the sump guard/bash plate from reaching its original position. I e-mailed MCC and they said they usually just take a bit out of the sump guard to compensate which I achieved using an angle grinder. Fits perfectly fine now. THIS IS NOT MENTIONED IN THE INSTRUCTIONS.

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Close up of bumper removed
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Bumper support brackets removed on both sides
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Cut bumper and reinstalled - instructions were very vague about where to cut but I estimated and it turned out ok
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Didn't install a winch with the bar
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If anyone in the future needs the various PDFs I used to install, let me know. There are multiple PDFs I used from different brands.

Costs of mods to date
Snorkel: $150
Toolbox: $150
MCC Bullbar: $800

Next will be a 28" Stedi LED Bar and then I think I'm good in the mods department (for now at least).
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby dieselweasel on Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:03 pm

Looks great. When you look at extras on your car, and if you fitted them yourself, the little glow that you get all over is a nice feeling.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby Maxiy on Thu Nov 30, 2017 1:54 pm

DAMN $800 is a bloody steel

I thought i did well getting a second hand ARB delux winch bar for $900

nice job
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Thu Nov 30, 2017 2:24 pm

Maxiy wrote:DAMN $800 is a bloody steel

I thought i did well getting a second hand ARB delux winch bar for $900

nice job

Actually 750 but I added 50 for some new bolts and all the wiring accessories.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Wed Dec 06, 2017 8:37 am

Went for a small camping trip along the Loddon River not far from Malmsbury.

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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby Minza on Wed Dec 06, 2017 1:05 pm

Looks like a nice spot, good job on your build also mate, starting to look how a triton should be. :D
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby Jacobie on Fri Dec 08, 2017 8:05 am

Love a nice easy setup, looking good mate!
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Fri Dec 08, 2017 10:54 am

Jacobie wrote:Love a nice easy setup, looking good mate!

Cheers mate. I try to go for only the essentials. The less I have in/on the vehicle, the less I have to worry about. I don't need too many creature comforts.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:08 pm

Finally got around to seeing one of the most beautiful places in Victoria - Woods Point. It's a town frozen in time.
It's an isolated town in the heart of the high country only accessible via dirt road. I asked around a bit and heard the road was good for the first half and pretty rough for the second. I found it to be fairly consistent. There were very brief patches of corrugation (mainly around corners) but for the most part, it was just rocky. To be honest, it's a 2WD affair and indeed I saw a mixed bag of cars coming and going. The last section is fairly steep and me being the fool I am and wanting to get to Woods Point before lunch, didn't shift to first gear for engine braking and when I pulled up at the pub, I could smell my brakes. Thankfully no smoke, just a horrible stench. Learned my lesson and drove with a lot more sense going home.
Those brake pads were due to be changed anyway. There's no squealing (yet) so I think I have some time before I change them out.

I went to one of the camp sites that required three river crossings. It had rained the night before so the river was running a bit. Still, the deepest section was only around knee height and easily avoided. I had never performed a water crossing before and I was travelling alone. I would have turned around except 2 separate locals had told me they would get someone to help me out if I did get stuck. Some real true blue Aussie people down there. From there on it was just a matter of picking a camp site and setting up for the night. Saw a couple too many snakes around my campsite for comfort so set up camp in the tub.

If you haven't already been, I would recommend heading up to Woods Point. Please support the two local businesses in town (the pub and the general store). I was told that they get a fair few too many 4WD'ers that lack respect for the heritage and beauty of the area, so if you do head up there, be sure to help them change their mind and also pick up a packet of chips or a Rooftop Map from the store.

Side story: I was sitting out front of the general store having a chat with some of the locals in the peace and serenity of the town. And then out of nowhere, a bloke in an old Patrol rolls up to the front of the store, hops out, grabs something out the back and walks up to us. He begins to explain to us that he recently snapped his tow ball mount in half. I wish I had a picture of it but basically, there is a point on the mount where the tow ball mounting plate is welded to the rectangular tube that is inserted into the tow bar/receiver. He said his friend had chained a log to his Patrol and when it didn't move (due to the log being stuck), he decided the most sensible thing to do was to hit the nitrous and drive off hence, the snapped tow ball mount...
He was asking us for a welder in town and the local only replied in witty remarks much to my amusement.

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One of the river crossings
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Last edited by TheSheepKed on Fri Dec 22, 2017 9:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby dieselweasel on Fri Dec 22, 2017 10:07 pm

Nice, those extra long mn trays come in handy. Sounds like a mini adventure, I can see flecks of varnish on your triton paint.....

Just kidding!

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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby RHKTriton on Sun Dec 24, 2017 7:04 am

Great country up there - way overdue for a run through there.

The story about the tow ball mount is a worry. Just as well it broke there and not with a heavy trailer wizzing down a busy freeway.

That got me thinking about another weakness/poor engineering with these types of hitches, esp where the tongue is welded on the end of a tube. It would be possible for rust to set in on the inside of the tube and start to weaken the joint between the bits, eventually failing. This could be worse where vehicles are getting into sea water.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Sun Dec 24, 2017 9:45 am

dieselweasel wrote:Nice, those extra long mn trays come in handy. Sounds like a mini adventure, I can see flecks of varnish on your triton paint.....

Just kidding!


Mate, don't do that haha. I'm still stressing out about it. Run my hands over both the bonnets every time I pass the garage.

RHKTriton wrote:Great country up there - way overdue for a run through there.

The story about the tow ball mount is a worry. Just as well it broke there and not with a heavy trailer wizzing down a busy freeway.

That got me thinking about another weakness/poor engineering with these types of hitches, esp where the tongue is welded on the end of a tube. It would be possible for rust to set in on the inside of the tube and start to weaken the joint between the bits, eventually failing. This could be worse where vehicles are getting into sea water.

I agree, beautiful country up there. In a way, I'm glad it's so secluded.

Yes it may have been a different story if it had broke on the freeway although it was 100% his fault for hitting the nitrous when something was stuck. He seemed very proud of his efforts. We weren't so impressed.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Sat Jan 13, 2018 6:00 pm

Took the Triton down to Walhalla for a night. Lovely little town that is worth a visit. Not too far from Melbourne either. I sussed out a camp site near the town that was down a dirt road. A 2WD could get through there but it was quite steep at the start.

Got to the campsite and setup camp along the bank of the Thompson River. What a great spot it was until I found an even better spot.
Around the corner of the river was a crossing and an island midway. The island was quite big, enough to fit a car and a campsite. It had been clear that others had lit a fire on there previously. I was a bit hesitant to cross as the river was running quite fast and no recovery gear. Waded it a few times and picked a line and the Triton handled it like nothing. I'm still learning what the ute can and can't do but the last few trips have given me more confidence - really love this car, where it's taking me and the places I've been able to visit.

I was sitting around, taking in the view when a Hyundai Tucson carrying a family of five rolled up to the edge of the water. The dad seriously contemplated crossing the river for a good 10 minutes. Eventually I yelled over to him and told him it was fairly deep in some sections and it wasn't worth the risk. He didn't seem too happy about it and left to take the long way round.

Anyway, pictures!
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby Crash486 on Fri Jan 19, 2018 8:22 am

Beautiful spot. Nice to go somewhere easy that feels remote.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:52 pm

I decided to put on a cyclonic/mushroom-styled snorkel head to see what it was like.
Haven't done too much driving with it yet but it seems like it drives as per normal. A lot noisier than the ram head as the air gets drawn in from underneath, right next to the window, as opposed to the ram head which faces away from you.
I like it. I think I'll keep it on. It's supposed to keep bigger debris out and bring in less dust into the air filter.
Not sure how much of an effect it will have on the longevity of the air filter. To be honest, the head is more of an aesthetic thing anyway.

Let me know what you think.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby dieselweasel on Wed Feb 14, 2018 10:10 pm

Your Snorkel is wearing a hat
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby Minza on Thu Feb 15, 2018 4:14 am

His dash is also wearing a hat :lol:
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby TheSheepKed on Thu Feb 22, 2018 6:09 pm

New addition to the build!
After much deliberation, I finally decided on how I wanted to fit a UHF into my car. I use the ute for a lot of camping/touring rather than intense 4WD'ing. And often I will also go for hikes/walks when I camp so it's always handy to have a portable UHF radio rather than a built in one. Getting one of each (a unit for the car and a handheld) was not an option at this point so I settled for just a handheld one but with the same coverage as an in-car unit.
This setup suit my purpose where I really just wanted a UHF for emergencies or when I'm bored on long drives.

I bought an eBay antenna that came with a 6.5 db and 3db (hi and low gain) whip antenna that can be swapped over.
I also coupled that with a 1 metre extension lead that converts the UHF female/SO239 female into an SMA female that screws into most handheld UHFs. I mounted it on the passenger side and covered majority of the aerial cable in corrugated split tubing to keep it clean and safe. I aimed for the 50 cent sized grommet towards the drivers side (see pictures).

I haven't got a picture of the handheld UHF I plan to use, but it's a 5W UHF with 80 channels. It has the option to switch to a lower watt to preserve battery life.

I really like this setup because if I ever do get an in-car UHF unit, all I have to do is run power from the battery and I'm all set to go.

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Mounted the aerial on the passenger side of the bullbar.

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Red line just shows the path of the cable. Used cable ties to tie it down to either existing looms or through holes already in the engine bay.

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The grommet I decided to go through. It's black and shiny due to the Sikaflex I slathered all over it.

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Where the aerial cable enters the cab. Again, Sikaflex to waterproof the grommet.

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Extension cable from the aerial to where the UHF will connect. Still need to work out a good way to keep the cable out of the way and off the floor.
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Re: TheSheepKed's 2013 MN GLX Build

Postby Joel on Thu Feb 22, 2018 7:03 pm

Is there anything sikaflex cant do? Nice option, in hindsite i would opt for handheld uhf rather than fixed unit.
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