FORUM DIRECTORY - New/Updated Topics / General Housekeeping

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FORUM DIRECTORY - New/Updated Topics / General Housekeeping

Postby NowForThe5th on Sun Apr 10, 2022 2:47 pm

Today I added another topic link to the Forum Directory. I'd like to add more but there being only one of me That's a bit difficult.

The Forum Directory is something that's quite unusual in most forums and adds to the value of as the premier Triton related forum by making it easier to find information, especially for newer members whose search skills may not yet be developed.
So, need a bit of a hand. If there is a forum thread that you think should be added to the Forum Directory, please post a link here and I'll get to it.

From time to time someone will post up, usually in a new thread, on a topic that we already have multiple threads on. When I see this happen I usually merge the threads, to keep information in one place. As you probably know, we do things a little differently here, compared to other forums where there can be a zillion threads on a single subject, not always relevant to what someone is searching for. Back in the early days we decided to go the other way and have longer threads, where developments and solutions can be more easily tracked.

So, again, I'd appreciate it if you notice multiple threads on a single subject, just posting a link here in this thread.

Any other suggestions on general housekeeping? Let me know about those too. I like to keep the forum reasonably organised, so if I can incorporate your ideas, I will.

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Re: FORUM DIRECTORY - New/Updated Topics / General Housekeep

Postby explorer.dave on Sun Apr 10, 2022 8:22 pm

Today I added another topic link to the Forum Directory. I'd like to add more but there being only one of me That's a bit difficult.

Thanks Chris,
I'm sure, like myself, that everyone on this forum appreciates the time and effort you put in.

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