Valve clearance adjustment

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Valve clearance adjustment

Postby mlee76 on Sun Jul 03, 2011 10:30 pm

I bought my 06 3.2 triton with 58000km on it . It is my guess that the valve clearances were never looked at (I don't believe a dealer would do them in the time allowed for a 30k service). Now it is out of warranty and 105000km on it I have begun doing my own services. I decided to check the clearances as a matter of interest as I am sure they have not been touched from new. Firstly I must say that whoever designed the engine and then recommended to check clearances at 30k intervals needs to be hung drawn and quartered. Its a mission to get to the tappet cover and then manouvre it off. I ended up readjusting 3 intake valves ( there are 8 of them all up) and the same for exhaust valves. The intake valves that needed adjustment measured about 0.11/0.12mm the exhausts were about 0.17/0.18mm this is very close to what they should be considering the k's on the engine. So my conclusions to all this are, the tollerances were to big rather than to small which is good as a rattly tappet is better than a riding valve, and due to the effort required to get to the tappets I will probably check them again at 200000kms. Unless I suspect there is something going on in there. I once had an old fj45 cruiser and for all the times I checked valves on it they never needed adjustment. These triton adjustments are still a grub screw and a lock nut so I can't see how they should be any different. If anything they look much more robust and have a roller on them so they should be less inclined to change through wear. Does anyone have an alternate opinion or additional information on this?
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Re: Valve clearance adjustment

Postby borngeek on Mon Jul 04, 2011 5:01 am

We do.... Including the advised clearances.

Enjoy :geek:
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Sucks to be you, glad I bought a 3.2 :lol:
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