Changes to the rules governing raising suspension heights

Changes to the rules governing raising suspension heights

Postby Calies99 on Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:40 pm

I've just read an article in Modern Motor about proposed changes to the rules governing raising and lowering suspension heights. Common sense seems to be being used ... rs-easier/
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Re: Changes to the rules governing raising suspension height

Postby bodia on Tue Jan 19, 2016 9:55 pm

His comment in the article isn't my understanding: "One of the items covered in the NCOP was what sort of suspension lift or lower you could make to a car without an engineer’s certificate. In the case of a 4WD (not softroader) the answer was 75mm – combined tyres and suspension. That would typically mean a 50mm suspension lift and a 50mm tyre diameter increase (which gives a 25mm lift)."
as it doesn't comply with the following from the NCOP "The following modifications may be performed without certification if they are carried out in accordance with sub-section 2 General Requirements and the total change in vehicle height resulting from all modifications performed, does not exceed 50mm."
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